LASIK post-surgery questionnaire
(Implemented in 2015: Subjects aged 8 years or more)
After regular check-ups after LASIK surgery, almost no one visits the hospital for surgery. As a clinic, we wondered, "How are things going?" Thank you to everyone who cooperated with the survey.
Do you think it was a good idea to have LASIK?
it was very good
it was good
twenty one%
not so good
It was bad
How satisfied are you with your appearance?
it was very good
it was good
not so good
It was bad
What is the problem with LASIK?
Nothing in particular
Other opinions
Due to my age, I needed reading glasses that day.
My eyes feel dry. It doesn't bother me, but...
The sun is too bright or it is difficult to see in the dark
Since my eyesight has deteriorated since I wore contact lenses, it is sometimes difficult to see the bulletin board, etc.
What are the benefits of having LASIK?
The hassle of glasses and contacts is gone and it's easier.
Other opinions
Eyes are no longer tired, I have trouble with my eyes, contact lenses do not cause pain, I can see better, dry eyes are no longer a concern, I feel comfortable even when I go to hot springs, and I no longer get eye diseases. my parents were happy, etc.